Cindy is a woman of many talents. A realtor by day, Cindy is committed to helping clients plan their future, from their first home to their retirement investments. She brings fresh eyes to the real estate world, and gives her clients white glove customer service.
On top of being a former host and producer of a televised talk show, Cindy’s background includes experience in sales, management, hospitality. These things might seem random, but the common element is the human experience and her ability to connect with people.
When it comes to people, her absolute favourites are her two beautiful little girls who make this multi-talented mama’s life complete.
How do you define joy?
Anything that makes me feel at peace or that makes me laugh.
What’s your happiness secret for creating a joyful life?
Finding balance. It’s easy to get wrapped up in work and obligations so I make it a point (sometime I schedule it) to do something that relaxes me.Share a favourite joyful memory
My daughters were in the backyard in their kiddy pool and it started raining. I started to tell them to come in but when I saw the disappointment on their faces, I jumped in the pool with them. As the “strict” parent, they were quite surprised. I just remember us sitting in the kiddy pool, in the rain just laughing our heads off. My daughter still brings it up every once in a while…Knowing that this moment left a lasting happy impression on her brings me just as much joy as the moment itself.
Who is your happiness role model?
Children in general. They just tend to get over things fairly quickly.
Where is your happy place?
My happy place is my home. I’m totally a homebody. I’m the type to become home sick. I love having my things and my comfort.
What inspires you most?
My kids. I think in general there’s a lot we can learn from observing children. They are quick to forgive, adventurous and always optimistic. My kids inspire me to be a better person in all aspects of my life because I want to lead by example.What’s your go-to remedy to brighten your spirit?
If I’ve had a long day and I want to just relax and turn off my brain…a glass of red wine and an episode of some sort of reality show makes everything light hearted. I’m an over thinker so it helps me press the pause button on worrying. Meditating would probably be healthier! Lol I’m working on it.
What are you most thankful for?
My health, family and friends. Health is a big one because, it’s hard to enjoy anything else when you’re sick.
What would you do in life if money was no object?
Build houses, build shelters for women, start an entrepreneurship program for young adults, travel and have/adopt a bunch of kids. Lol I’m still young so who knows!
If you had an extra hour in the day, what would you do in that time?
What small pleasures do you want to enjoy more every day?
What always makes you smile?
Seeing my daughters playing with their dad and grandpa.
What made you happy when you were a child?
Reading. Going to the library with my dad and my brothers was so exciting. Choosing a few books and being immersed in them for weeks was amazing. Each book was like going on an adventure.
If you could travel to the happiest place in the world right now, where would you go?
What did you sacrifice for greater joy?
The stability of a 9 to 5.
Share one thing you do for self-care?
My beauty routine. Every night I take the time to really take care of my skin.What’s your dream and how are you aspiring to get there?
My dream is to have complete freedom of time and to leave behind a legacy for my children.
Sleep, wine, food, girls night, holding hands on dates, thick comfy socks, chai latte, cuddles from my girls.
Follow Cindy and her joyful life:
Instagram: @collectivelybe

Photography by Candice Pantin