With a impressive long list of career achievements, Jennifer is most notably known and loved as Social Columnist for Quebec’s leading English daily, The Montreal Gazette (her weekly Social Notes are still a must-read!) and as an official Montreal Contributor to the country’s best-selling celebrity mag, Hello! Canada. (She also exercised her ample love of good schmooze & chat as a weekly entertainment / scene reporter for the much-beloved Tommy Schnurmacher Show on top talk radio channel CJAD 800 AM). Along the way, the self-proclaimed “lover of all things pop culture” has received rave reviews for her uniquely individual style that, to date, serves her well in coup interviews with notables like Academy award-winning French actress Juliette Binoche, legendary Cirque du Soleil founder Guy Laliberté, super-supermodel Tyra Banks, NBA / reality TV star Lamar Odom, king of talkTV Larry King and many others.
Jennifer continues to take on fresh creative and professional challenges with her very own luxury lifestyle “social” brand – DIARY OF A SOCIAL GAL Magazine and Website. The themed table-top collectibles central to the brand have since become luxury items unto themselves – often referred to as “the big books” – with the next “REIGNITION EDITION” set to roar into the twenties during the much-anticipated return of F1 GRAND PRIX in June 2022.
Topping the adventures in publishing, the inspired journo/publisher/entrepreneur also has two children’s books in the works, a grown-up book called COVID CLARITY: 20 LIFE LESSONS FROM 2020 AND BEYOND, as well as a screenplay in development geared towards extra-playful Social Gals (naughty wink!) No, sleep is not high on the aJENNda as the mottos remain: Dream big, persistence + passion always win, and kindness & love will never let you down!What is joy to me?
Joy to me is waking early to a quiet house, when the city still sleeps and you can exhale and contemplate life over a sinfully good cinnamon coffee …
Joy to me is sinking into an over-bubbled hot bath, latest book of choice in hand, ready to seduce me with its magic and brilliance.Joy to me is saying “Duck It!” to yet another endless to-do list and roaring Thelma & Louise style into a Friday adventure with a like minded gal pal. 😉
Joy to me is falling sound asleep in front of a great Netflix, precious Presley tucked into the crook of my arm, snoring softly, snuggling closer.
Joy to me is that priceless calm and serenity that sets in during much needed Yin sessions with practitioners who know just how to quiet the body … and mind.
Joy to me is being so engrossed in a fabulously creative initiative that I forget all the petty and silly things that really don’t matter at all.Joy to me is … life at its best!
Follow Jennifer and her life as a Social Gal:
Instagram @diaryofasocialgal
Facebook @diaryofasocialgal