Certified Life Coach, Yoga & Meditation Teacher, Global TV Correspondent, Bliss Essential Founder, Professional Speaker, The Erica Diamond Podcast Host, Busy To Bliss Course Creator, and Author
I’m a passionate working mom of two teen boys and wife (been with my hubby since I’m 19!) who teaches busy women (like you!) how to prioritize self-care. Simply put, I teach you how to feel less stress, more calm and greater joy everyday. I love music, food, and a hot cup coffee in the morning. I thrive in real and honest conversations, but I also enjoy being quiet and alone (I’m an only child so I quite like my own company)!
How do you define joy?
Joy for me is when I am in a state of flow and bliss. When my passion and purpose are aligned (and of course my family is healthy).
What’s your happiness secret for creating a joyful life?
I don’t sweat the small stuff! I focus on what I HAVE rather than what I don’t have – comparison is the thief of joy!
What’s your go-to remedy to brighten your spirit?
Music and meditation! When I’m feeling funky or not my best, I either put on loud music and have a dance party, or I get quiet and still and meditate. Both are very helpful to me.
What are you most thankful for?
My family, my health, my career, my resilience and ability to bounce back from difficult times.
What would you do in life if money was no object?
WHAT I’M DOING NOW!What always makes you smile?
Borat! Is that a strange answer? When I see Borat, I smile!
What made you happy when you were a child?
Dancing. I was a ballet dancer and ballet child. I got lost in the music and movement and discipline. Dancing still makes me happiest – I dance everyday like no one is watching, because no one is!
If you could travel to the happiest place in the world right now, where would you go?
I would to Greece and Israel. Those for me right now would make me so happy.
When was the last time you felt excited about something?
Last month when I launched Bliss Essential, my line of the highest quality and purest therapeutic grade essential oils. As a life coach, yoga teacher and Global TV correspondent, my job is to help busy women and moms prioritize self-care. So, to be able to offer women a self-care product to help them level-up their daily self-care and wellness, makes me so happy (and excited). If you’ve longed for better sleep, more energy and less stress, Bliss Essential oils blends are here to save the day!
Share one thing you do for self-care.
I can share 20! This is my zone of genius, lol, but meditation and yoga are tied for first place for sure. Oh, and sleep! I get 8-9 hours a night – it’s my secret weapon to an abundance of energy! And, I’ve gotten good at protecting my boundaries and saying no – because saying no is a gift you give yourself to shed what isn’t serving you, to be able to make time for what does.What’s your dream and how are you aspiring to get there?
My dream is to be a happy wife, mother and fulfilled in my career. I think I’m there, and I’m there because I realize there are peaks and valleys in life, and I know that nothing is permanent. I ride out the tough times with as much grace and resilience as possible and remember that they aren’t permanent, and I hold on to the delicious moments as much as possible with gratitude. Life is ebb and flow, and I know this – as long as I constantly learning and growing and evolving, I’m joyful.
- Insight Timer app – it’s how I meditate!
- My Bluetooth speaker (and Spotify) – it comes with me everywhere so I have my music!
- A great glass of cabernet! Ooh I like that!
- A great massage! I like it strong!
- A great TED Talk! It can lift my mood!
- My yoga mat (a must)
- My essential oils and my diffuser!
- My Keurig – it’s my morning joy!
You can follow Erica and her blissful life here:
Instagram @EricaDiamond
Facebook @EricaDiamondOfficial
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