I love being a dad. It is the most rewarding and challenging role I have ever had. My daughters are now independent, hard working, fun loving individuals. They inspire me everyday to do more and give more. Professionally, I have been the owner of my own media production company since 2016 after a 25 year career at Citytv in Toronto. My current position of customer service rep at FedEx Express Canada continues a theme of helping people, by striving to make their lives easier and better. In my media work, one way to resonate with audiences is by telling informative stories in an entertaining way. At FedEx, I strive to provide the public with an important service that often includes either shipping or connecting people with their packages. In addition to all of this I am also currently working towards a certification in Diversity and Inclusion. A lifelong passion of mine, to specialize in that area to make work life better for everyone. Personally, I’m a sports nut! I’m also a homer! I love the Raptors, Leafs, Jays, TFC, Argos and I really get into the World Cup every four years. I already mentioned that I’m passionate about D & I Initiatives in the workplace but I also love current events, a CNN junkie for sure. Last but not least…I love a good jerk chicken and rice and peas and top that off with a red velvet cupcake with cream cheese icing and you’ve got a pretty good snapshot of this guy.
How do you define joy?
I define joy as a place that one arrives at emotionally and or physically where happiness and contentment fill the soul. To arrive at this place it takes a given set of circumstances that are created either intentionally or unintentionally.
What are your tips for creating a joyful life?
I enjoy making people smile. In many professional settings, I have noticed negative attitudes feed into a negative environment. So If I can break the cycle with a simple story, look or action, not only have I been able to break a cycle of negativity in one person, the work space as a result seems to have a fresh energy. That can have big results in the daily grind of a 9-5 work week. Have a mindset of keeping people smiling, kill them with kindness and the joy will spread all over.Share a favourite joyful memory
One of my professional career highlights was interviewing my childhood soccer idol Pele. I got to interview him in Toronto and was in a full Brazilian national team soccer uniform. It was a thrill!
Who is your happiness role model?
My two daughters. Both young ladies embrace life, are constantly smiling, laughing and oozing a joyful spirit. They show me every day how to be happy.Where’s your happy place?
I arrive at my happy place in a couple of different settings, professionally and personally. Getting the opportunity to conduct a great interview when you are prepared, thereby allowing yourself to really enjoy the conversation and learn along with the viewer is definitely one of my happy places. The other, on a more casual note, happens at the dinner table over the holidays that stirs good conversation and debate with family and friends. I’m happy to say I’ve had the opportunity during my career and my family time where I was firmly planted in my happy place.What inspires you most?
My parents inspire me the most. Living in Mississauga, Ontario in the late 1960’s and 1970’s my parents had many difficult barriers to overcome. Raising 4 children in a country that was not their own and building a life that for me was comfortable, safe and joyful was really inspirational. Now that I have my own kids, I fondly look back on my childhood and now realize I had everything I ever needed to succeed and more because of the effort put forth by my mom and dad. I also think of stories of those stars that overcame early rejection. Michael Jordan, who many consider the greatest hoopster of all time had been cut from his high school varsity basketball team and went home and locked himself in his room and cried. MJ went out and used the rejection as motivation to work his way to greatness. What are you most thankful for?
I am most thankful for my family and friends and their unconditional love through the good and bad times.
What always makes you smile?
Seeing my daughters’ faces.Share one thing you do for self-care:
Meditation while in a hot shower while concentrating on my breath and reciting positive self affirmations.
What’s your dream and how are you aspiring to get there?
I dream of contributing to an organization in a leadership role that creates an environment that is diverse and inclusive and strives to make the world a better place to live. I am currently working at a multinational delivery service company in customer service and taking courses towards a specialization in the Diversity & Inclusion field. Presently I’m enrolled at the Centennial College certificate program, taking a course called Understand. Today’s Workplace.

- Time spent exercising with my elliptical and a mat and some weights. It allows me to regain focus and feel energized.
- Coffee in the morning. The warmth, smell and fullness of a good cup of joe actually settles me and signals it’s a time for nourishment.
- Listening to an inspirational podcast. “7 Good Minutes” is one of my favourites. Motivation!
- Jerk chicken rice and peas and Caribbean cuisine. Brings me back to my parents’ home cooking. Flavours connected to my youth are my comfort food.
- Red velvet cake/cupcakes with cream cheese icing with my coffee fulfills my sweet tooth cravings.
- Watching my favourite sports teams in the comfort of my home. Raptors, Leafs, Blue Jays Toronto FC. Sports watching allows me the joy of connection to the city that I love.
- I love to tell stories that inspire and that are relatable to people. My Modern Dad blog is one example of this. The ability to interview other dads who are passionate about their role as a father provides me with personal joy knowing that I am exposing my viewers to some truly remarkable and dedicated people.
- Travel. I have noticed since the pandemic began the restriction to physical travel has created a void in my life. However the ability to think about my next travel adventure creates a joy of planning, preparing and organizing for the next opportunity. This attitude adjustment of positive future visualization has brought much joy into my life.
You can follow Patrick on Instagram @patrickreynoldsmedia and read about his Modern Dad adventures on his blog, or learn more about Diversity & Inclusion on his new YouTube series “The Inclusive Lens”. All links also on his website