Angie Smith-Campanelli constantly thinks outside the box — and not just figuratively. As a well-versed content producer, Angie strives to help people and businesses master their own digital media strategy so thinking outside of Instagram squares (or boxes) is where her mind is at. She’s developed college courses from scratch, teaches in the McKeil School of business and owns her own social media marketing company. When she’s not creating engaging content, Angie’s always with her family and friends: hiking, exploring, trying weird trends, pranking people and having childlike fun.
How do you define joy?
Happiness is often a choice. Joy, on the other hand, is that fluttery feeling that you get between your belly and your heart that you simply cannot control. It’s not a choice – it’s pure, deep content happiness rooted in your soul.What are your happiness tips for creating a joyful life?
Mindset management. It’s often easy to let your environment impact your mindset – especially for those people with my personality whom are so easily impacted by others and their surroundings. But, I’ve spent so much time practicing how to shake off negativity and reminding myself that we’re so often wrong about what we THINK is going on around us (and what we perceive to be negativity) that I change my mood simply through ignorance (laughs). Sometimes, it’s easier to just blissfully be unaware of things and simply be joyful in the moment. I love little things; I laugh easily; I seek pleasure in jokes and childlike instances. I love to try new things and I’m not afraid to embrace my inner big-kid.Share a favourite joyful memory
Being in Cabo with my best girlfriends for my birthday this past March (right before Covid halted travel) filled my soul with a sense of freedom that I cannot explain. We basically said YES to random adventures (like renting a small yacht, zip-lining, bungee jumping, and ATVing in the dessert) and spent each day doing what ever we wanted. I haven’t felt like kind of freedom in a LONG time. I reconnected with myself and felt loved like I haven’t in years.Where’s your happy place?
Anywhere with my two boys or with my closest girlfriends. When I feel disconnected from myself or lost in life, I seek them out to ground myself again. We can sit in silence or just eat a good meal.What inspires you most?
Conversation. Soulful, meaningful conversation. It can be about anything as long as I feel that it’s genuine.Share a time when you laughed out loud
I try to laugh out loud as often as possible. Sometimes that means cracking out a dirty board game, which brings me to the last time I belly laughed: playing the ridiculous game called “Dirty Minds” with my neighbour and friend, Karen.
What’s your go-to remedy to brighten your spirit
A good workout or singing to Maroon 5 in the car.What are you most thankful for?
People. There are so many great people in my life that take time out of their own lives to connect with me on a regular basis and I never take that for granted. It might seem like it, at times, but in the back of my mind, I am always thinking about those special people. I will never forget them and I am always thinking of ways to repay them. I wish I could make them all smile everyday and take away their own hardships with a magic wand.What always makes you smile?
Jokes. And when my kids genuinely tell me that they miss or love me.What made you happy when you were a child?
My mom’s lasagna or McDonalds.
If you could travel to the happiest place in the world right now, where would you go?
Likely a hut, over the water, in Tahiti or something. But a more simpler answer is where ever my kids are (but if they’re in a bad mood I wouldn’t want to be there….haha).Share one thing you do for self-care
I usually get myself ready every morning (even if I am not going anywhere) because I just feel better. I like to take hot baths with Epsom salts too. Oh, and I like to get regular blow-outs. I guess I do a lot of self-care. What’s your dream and how are you aspiring to get there?
Everyday I do something to work towards my goal. I used to make sure I wrote it down on paper to prove to myself at the end of each day that I was doing it. But, now I just know in my mind that even showing up each day is sometimes enough….because, let me tell you, right now, things are tough (laughs).
- Reality TV (I am obsessed with Hayu app)
- Chips (I love Doritos and Kettle Cooked Chips)
- Road Trips (anywhere and everywhere) because I love adventure and car rides relax me
- Blow-outs at Blo Bar because I love when people play with my hair
- Amazon Prime (one-day delivery excites me)
- Zevia or Diet Coke (I know it isn’t healthy but I don’t drink alcohol so this brings me happiness)
- A weighted blanket. I don’t actually know this yet for real but I love the feeling of a cozy blanket and the heavier it is the better. So I am guessing I will really love one of these (laughs)
- Pink lip gloss/stick (it just makes me smile and feel put together and red is too harsh on me)
You can follow snippets of her joyous life on Instagram @Angie_t_smith where she’s never shy about sharing the ups and downs of raising two little humans.